I am passionate about capturing and sharing stories of the incredible creatures with whom we share our world. Through my photography and writing, I hope to show the wildlife that often goes unseen and inspire others to care and learn more.



I was born in the suburbs of the West Midlands conurbation in 1961. Unlike many wildlife photographers, I did not have an upbringing surrounded by wildlife nor the encouragement of a supportive mentor to stimulate an interest. I don’t have a wildlife-related degree nor any formal qualifications in photography but I am passionate about both.

My mother was a farmer’s daughter, and I spent many happy summers on the family farm in Staffordshire, giving me an abiding passion for the freedom and open spaces of the English countryside.


Wildlife Photography

in 2015, after a safari to Tanzania, I decided to become a professional wildlife photographer. Although it has never been my sole source of income, it now dominates my working life. I have sold prints, written for magazines and other publications, and run photography workshops at home and overseas.

In 2018, my wife and I left the hustle of a big city to live in the open countryside, moving from the industrial midlands to a rural smallholding in a quiet valley below the splendid wilderness of the North Pennines National Landscape and within a short distance of the rolling uplands of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. It is an ideal location to live and photograph local wildlife.

A recent change in circumstances has refocused my energies on photojournalism once more. Living where I do, with all the attendant wildlife conservation issues, I have now turned my attention to this.

So, browse my galleries, buy my book (when it is finally published), read my posts, follow my story and enjoy the website.

If you are interested in learning more about my book or anything else I am involved in, please subscribe to my occasional newsletter using the form at the bottom of the page.

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